I was taking my usual rounds near
my house, listening to music and thinking about few deeper aspects of life when
my dear brother (cough) came along demanding that I should return back his flip
flops, the ones that I was wearing, immediately. Sighing, I gave them back and
did not make an effort to walk back to my house to put replacement chappals
on. I continued walking, bare feet on the ground for some strange
reason. Curiously enough, I did not feel weird or strange walking bare feet on
the ground. In fact, I begun to enjoy the experience. I paid close attention
the sense of those cold stones beneath my feet, of different shapes and sizes.
I sensed, closely, the granules of sand and I begun to discover so many small
aspects about the ground that I was walking on. How the temperature differed slightly
from one spot to another, the amount of sand sprawled across the ground. I
begun to feel and notice every feeling that encountered my feet,
the piercing sensation of stones, the slippery softness of the sand.
That is when I begun to realize that if
i hadn't removed the foot wear I probably wouldn't have experienced all these
sensations on my feet. Do we even remember how the ground feels like at all?
With our shoes on all the time, do we remember the sense of our feet? Of touch
and feeling?
For all those who haven't got it yet, i'm basically using
walking bare feet as a metaphor. Somewhat. I wish to emphasize on the fact that
we have somewhat forgotten what it feels like to feel and experience raw human
senses. Something like walking bare feet, sitting cross legged (for those who
are used to sitting like this), lying down lazy, etc. We as human beings, still
find ourselves riveted comfortably with these raw human senses. Over the years
of growth, materialization, we brought ourselves to a certain level of
subtleties where we forgot how it feels like to be the core, raw you,
experiencing all basic human sensations. Do you remember that time, when as
kids we used to run around amuck and now we don't. Do you remember how, even
picking your nose was pleasing at one point :P . Wondered why? Now we live in a
time where necessities arose and we had to wear foot wear and it became a
habit. Our feet have, somehow become numb, and forgotten the sense of ground,
the earth.

Just last night I was having a conversation, discussing this
blog with Shreeharsha and stumbled upon so many questions! I had even planned
on not writing the blog at all since, well, I hadn't thought about this topic
through and through. Or so I realized. Anyway, I decided to type down what I had
in mind in hopes that the readers might get what i'm trying to say. At least
few percents of it. =D
~ Renuka Kulkarni