It’s not hypocrisy; it’s just democracy with an H.
That pretty much summarizes how the politicians… No wait.. Why just politicians? That’s how all of us think.
The last few days have been so shameful and disgusting for the democracy of India.
What makes it worse is no one knows what is right and what wrong. It’s true that right or wrong are relative terms, but the events of 5th june really negate every little bit of hope that the common man has in reason and justice.
Looking back into India, corruption has always been a part of any society and it remains to date.
People come to power only to make personal use of it.
Defining democracy, it is a form of government where citizens elect their leaders to serve them. Over a period of time, the serve has been replaced by rule.
So now, people in power are just rulers and not really leaders or people who come to serve us.
Speaking about the recent events, we all know who anna hazare is, he is an ex army soldier and now a popular social reformer. Ok I won’t bore you with his facts..
moving on.. anna hazare fasted to bring the jan lokpal bil into act and can be called to have been successful(hopefully
) to a certain extent… but what his fast did was it raised a hope..
and there he was, world famous over night and had lots and lots of followers (including kids like me who decided to skip dinners and got yelled at by mom
) now if this was it.. it would’ve been great.. but we’re all humans,
and everyone wants a piece of action and so it was with popular leaders, diplomats, movie stars and that.. is where baba ramdev comes in.

Baba ram dev is supposed to be a samyasi who took to teaching yoga and pranayama and lived a (supposedly) peaceful life.. like all teachers and “good-doers”
he wanted to spread his goodness and started with a few things like yoga research centers and stuff.. all this is cool.. but in September 2009, he bought an island for 2 million pounds!!
How can someone do that? So he has this huge “aashram” in haridwar, has an island where he again has his “aashram”(which I think is actually just a spa
) and flies in a private jet.. this has got to be the most coolest “sanyasi” in the history of sanyasies.
Ok so the deal about 5th june..
now one cant really point out whos wrong and whos right.. it seems that a few reports and papers say that baba ramdev hired the ram lela maidan to conduct a yoga camp, now how can he call for a protest satyagraha??
If you ask the bjp.. I guess they would just say “its immoral but not illegal”
anyway.. so that was the baba’s bad.. what about the government?
From going to the airport to receive a “sanyasi” to sending cops in the middle of the night and breaking apart a crowd of more that 50k people, does anything make sense?
everything makes the government look like a confused and desperate flock of crows..
and now we have the political tamasha of everyone digging history, making allegations and hurling stones and shoes at each other.. where am I? where are you? Or where is any citizen of India? long live democracy huh?
From what we know, a sanyasi is supposed to be someone whos abandoned everything and lives only for god.. this doesn’t sound like ram dev baba now does it? Actually that’s how its been with all spiritual leaders, everyone has some part to play in politics or with big money. So if the learned, enlightened, holy men who’ve abandoned everything and have inner peace(sorry, saw kung fu panda yday
) cant keep their hands off money and power, how do you expect the politicians to be clean?
What I mean is, the government may not be perfect, democracy might not be working, and not all gurus may be leaders, but you are you... What I mean is… some people look for leaders and some for followers, you.. Just need a path. If your path is right... everythings right.
hahaha .. good one, i read "between" the lines though, i was much more interested in ur silly smileys!! :P :P
ReplyDeletehe come on! smileys are good.. plus it atleast kept you on the page right? :P thats the basic idea here.. to keep it funny, silly and goofy while telling something serious and make sense in the end ;) adu! kittaku! :D :D
ReplyDeleteok latest update.. baba ramdev has a little more than 1000 crore rupees... um.. and hes fasting and holding "peaceful" protests against black money :D :D
ReplyDeleteand one more.. the supposedly yoga expert and trainer has fallen for dehydration from fasting for a little over 4 days.. hmmm... think think.. :-/
Interesting.. Must agree with neha, loved those smilies :P